Slovenian Food Soca valley

Soca valley is not just adrenaline mecca for outdoor lovers. The valley is becoming a real foodie’s paradise with great dining options as well. From the Soca source at Trenta to the railway bridge with the biggest stone arch in the world in Solkan. Read how to get to Soca valley. Welcome to experience Slovenian excellent food in Soca valley! Let the culinary adventure begin!
Culinary highlights in Soca valley
138 kilometers long Soca valley which starts in Trenta and ends in the Adriatic sea lies on the crossroad between Alpine and Mediterranean climate. In the past every day’s dishes consisted of easy-to-prepare dishes using local ingredients. Dairy products, such as whey, milk, cottage cheese accompanied polenta (yellow polenta). Meat was eaten only on special occasions. Meals became more diverse with introduction of potato, fruit trees, beans, turnip, sauerkraut. Thanks to unspoiled nature and Alpine pastures the best culinary treats in Upper Soca valley are linked with mouth-watering dairy products. More south we go, more influences from the Mediterranean we can experience (fresh vegetables all year around). But still, the local cuisine is simple, easy-to-digest, tasty, healthy and yummy. And it hasn’t changed much. Take a culinary journey through Soca valley and taste 9 local dishes.
9 not-to-miss food in Soca valley
1. Čompe an skuta (potatoe with salted cottage cheese)
You can take čompe an skuta as a starter in many family-run gostilnas in the Bovec area. Čompe in a local dialect means potatoes. Local cheese producers are preparing salted cottage cheese by using old recipes. I have to admit that the taste is strange but after all you will get used to its sharpness and spiciness. And you’ll love it 🙂 After guiding around Soca valley one of my guest said that tasting this simple dish was her highlight of Slovenian food.
2. Bovec krafi (buški krafi) and Bovec Marathon
Buški krafi is a festive dessert eaten at Christmas time by the locals. Krafi are filled by pear tepka, old variety of a pear tree introduced by Maria Terezija in mid 17th century. I need to add that buški krafi taste the best in the winter time due to its fresh pear filling. You can join me on a Alpe Adria Trail Experience all year around and I will tell you how buški krafi are made. The first 500 registered for Bovec marathon got Bovec krafi for free. What a nice gesture!
3. Bovec cheese (bovški sir)
Bovec cheese is a hard full-fat sheep’s cheese. Bovec area has a long lasting farming and cheese-making heritage dating back to 14th century and it is unique to Slovenian Alps. In the past Bovec cheese was used as a payment method. As Slovenian food product it is labeled on EU level as a product with protected designations of origins.
4. Kobarid dumpling (kobariški štrukelj)
Kobarid is one of the most wanted places in Slovenian for tourists to visit. Why? Have you heard of Netflix documentary series? If yes, then you know that I am talking about Ana Roš who creates slow food dishes at Hiša Franko. If you haven’t heard about world-known Slovenian chef and one of the best culinary ambassadors of Slovenia, then I highly recommend you making a reservation. Places are filled up fast! If you are not into slow dining or if you are speeding towards Piran, you can still experience local specialty kobarid dumplings in the restaurants that are part of Kobarid Gastronomic Circle. Each kobariški štrukelj is signed.
5. Tolmin cheese (Tminc)
Tolminc cheese is a hard full-fat cow’s cheese protected as a product with designations of origins. Local housewives are preparing different dishes with Tolmin cheese but the most famous of course is frika.
6. Frika
Eventhough frika was imported from the neighboring Italian region Friuli – Venezia Giulia to Soca valley, you can not miss it. It is made with hard Tolmin cheese, potatoes and eggs. Would you like to get a recipe for frika? Send me an email to
7. Cottage cheese soup (skutnica)
Skutnica is a cottage cheese soup prepared in Tolmin area. It is quite challenging to find it in local restaurants but luckily I found a place near Tolmin where a hospitable lady serves it. Join my Food Tour Soca valley and meet Mirjam and taste her skutnica.
8. Soca trout
Soca trout is protected endangered fish species living in Soca river and its tributaries. In 2013 Faronika fish farm with 14 pools was established in Tolmin where they are breeding endemic Soca trout and other trout types. As Robert, a local fisherman, explains their goal is to bring marble Soca trout in Soca river again. So as onto the plates. When ordering trout in Soca valley, you will most probably be served a rainbow trout or graying.
You have been eating the whole day. Do you need a place to sleep before saying good bye to Soca valley?! Book a stay in Herbal Rooms Homestay, only 13 kilometers away from your last culinary stop in Solkan 🙂
9. Solkan/Gorica radicchio (goriški/soukenski regut)
You are slowly leaving mountainous landscape. The climate is becoming warmer and the soil more fertile. Huge Solkan fields just in front of Sabotin hill are the places where Solkan radicchio grows. This 150 years long tradition of growing Solkan/Gorica radicchio or chicory is still alive. The heads of Solkan chicory are taken indoors after the first frost arrives and are kept in a dark place until late December. Solkan/Gorica radicchio looks like a rose and it is truly a winter time treat. The best and the only month when you can taste this delicacy is January, and you are welcome to do it in Hiša sukenskega reguta. Goriški/Soukenski regut is definitely the most beautiful winter vegetable. Well, Nova Gorica is a place of roses, hosting annually Festival of roses and car number plates have a rose (and not a tomato!:)).
Where to eat in Soca valley?
The restaurants/gostilnas below are not listed in alphabetical order. Instead I leveled them in order of appearance from Soca river’s spring (top of the table) down. Check beforehand traveling to Soca valley if and when the restaurants are opened! Dober tek!
Gostilna Metoja, Trenta 19a, 5232 Soča
T: 00386 5 3889 361, 00386 41 503 551
Gostišče Andrejc, Soča 31, 5232 Soča
T: 00386 5 38 89 530, 00386 41 332 520
Turistična kmetija Jelinčič, Soča 50, 5232, Soča
T: 00386 5 388 95 10, 00386 51 222 735
Penzion Kamp Klin, Lepena 1, 5232 Soča
T: 00386 5 3889 513
Pristava Lepena, Lepena 2, 5232, Soča
T: 00386 5 3889 900, 00386 41 671 981
Gostišče Hedvika, Kal koritnica 36a, 5230 Bovec
T: 00386 5 38 96 363, 00386 41 596 656
Gostilna in pizzerija Letni vrt, Trg golobarskih žrtev 1, 5230 Bovec
T: 00386 5 3896 383, 00386 41 775 127
Gostilna Sovdat, Trg golobarskih žrtev 24, 5230 Bovec
T: 00386 5 3886 027
Gostilna Martinov hram, Trg golobarskih žrtev 27, 5230 Bovec
T: 00386 5 3886 214
Gostilna Liza, Vodenca 4a, 5230 Bovec
T: 00386 5 3814 009
Gostilna Pod Lipco, Ledina 8, 5230 Bovec
T: 00386 41 620 849
Gostišče Vančar, Čezsoča 43, 5230 Bovec
T: 00386 5 3896 076, 00386 31 312 742
Gostišče Čezsoča, Čezsoča 96, 5230 Bovec
T: 00386 31 381 659
Gostilna Žvikar, Podklopca 4, 5230 Bovec
T: 00386 5 3896 377
Hotel Ana, Žaga 156a, 5224 Srpenica
T: 00386 5 3845 512
Gostilna Pri mostu, Žaga 138, 5224 Srpenica
T: 00386 5 3845 680
Gostišče Mangrt, Log pod Mangartom 57, 5231 Log Pod Mangartom
T: 00386 5 3845 140, 00386 41 562 152
Motel Encijan, Log pod Mangartom 31, 5231 Log Pod Mangartom
T: 00386 31 712 626
Hotel Alpine, Log pod Mangartom 63, Strmec na Predelu, 5231 Log pod Mangartom
T: 00386 8 205 4870
Gostišče Hermanov Hram na Predelu
T: 00386 51 362 264
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Hotel Hvala – restavracija Topli val, Trg svobode 1, 5222 Kobarid
T: 00386 5 389 93 00
Hiša Franko, Staro selo 1, 5222 Kobarid
T: 00386 5 389 41 20
Restavracija Kotlar, Trg svobode 11, 5222 Kobarid
T: 00386 5 389 11 10
Hiša Polonka, Gregorčičeva 1, 5222 Kobarid
T: 00386 51 486 676
Pizzeria Fedrig, Volaričeva 11, 5222 Kobarid
T: 00386 5 389 01 15, 00386 31 249 147
Kamp Lazar, Gregorčičeva 63, 5222 Kobarid
T: 00386 5 388 53 33
Gostišče Jazbec, Idrsko 56, 5222 Kobarid
T: 00386 5 389 91 00, 00386 41 570 126
Gostišče Jelkin hram, Drežnica 30, 5222 Kobarid
T: 00386 41 953 370
Turistična kmetija Jelenov breg pod Matajurjem, Avsa 22, 5222 Kobarid
T: 00386 41 494 560, 00386 41 853 455
Gostilna Pri konfinu, Robič 23, 5222 Kobarid
T: 00386 5 389 94 18
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Restavracija in bar Postaja Poljana, Robič 24, 5222 Kobarid
T: 00386 5 994 75 32, 00386 41 398 587
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Turistična kmetija Kranjc, Koseč 7, 5222 Kobarid
T: 00386 5 384 85 62
Turistična kmetija Robidišče, Robidišče 3, 5223 Breginj
T: 00386 5 384 98 58, 00386 41 332 668
Pension Rutar, Mestni trg 1, 5220 Tolmin
T: 00386 5 380 05 00
Pizzeria Na Placu, Trg 1. maja 2, 5220 Tolmin
T: 00386 5 388 13 59, 00386 31 603 503
Okrepčevalnica Tolminska korita, Zatolmin 66a, 5220 Tolmin
T: 00386 41 916 152
Gostilna Zatolmin, Zatolmin 1, 5220 Tolmin
T: 00386 5 388 25 33
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Restaurant Labrca, Volče 87, 5220 Tolmin
T: 00386 51 312 972
Gostilna Skrt, Most na Soči 62, 5216 Most na Soči
T: 00386 5 388 70 25, 00386 41 520 989
Hotel Lucija, Most na Soči 57, 5216 Most Na Soči
T: 00386 5 381 32 90
Penzion Šterk, Most na Soči 55, 5216 Most na Soči
T: 00386 5 388 70 65, 00386 31 359 589
Gostilna Vuga, Most na Soči 58, 5216 Most na Soči
T: 00386 5 388 75 06
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Gostilna s prenočišči pri Štefanu, Postaja 3, 5216 Most na Soči
T: 00386 5 388 71 95
Gostilna Slap, Slap ob Idrijci 28, 5283 Slap ob Idrijci
T: 00386 5 380 90 07
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Gostilna Podkorito, Dolenja Trebuša 12c, 5283 Slap ob Idrijci
T: 00386 5 380 50 45
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Okrepčevalnica TI, Čiginj 27, 5220 Tolmin
T: 00386 5 388 13 35, 00386 51 642 710
Okrepčevalnica Britof, Britof 6, 5213 Kanal
T: 00386 5 620 98 75 / 00386 40 438 681
Bar & Picerija Cafe Libero, Gradnikova 21, 5213 Kanal
T: 00386 5 994 15 04
Fontana Kanal, Trg svobode 21, 5213 Kanal
T: 00386 31 773 888
Gostišče Križnič, Trg svobode 1, 5213 Kanal
T: 00386 5 305 10 08
Okrepčevalnica Pirih, Kidričeva 10b, 5213 Kanal
T: 00386 40 858 284
Planinski dom pod Ježo, Kuščarji 3, 5215 Ročinj
T: 00386 51 320 284.
Pizzerija Vinazza, Bevkova ulica 5, 5210 Deskle
T: 00386 5 305 25 54
Okrepčevalnica Zanzibar, Ulica Petra Skalarja 24, 5210 Deskle
T: 00386 31 633 679
Pizzeria Špik, Srebrničeva 33, 5210 Deskle
T: 00386 5 99 34 500
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Okrepčevalnica z letnim vrtom Tanja, Srebrničeva 4A, 5210 Deskle
T: 00386 5 305 21 11
Ošterija Ložice, Ložice 8, 5210 Deskle
T: 00386 5 828 01 79, 00386 40 666 463
Gostilna Pri mostu, Vojkova 2 Plave, 5210 Deskle
T: 00386 5 305 25 23, 00386 40 739 734
Gostilna Dermota Grill, Ulica Ivana Gradnika 24, Plave, 5210 Deskle
T: 00386 5 305 20 85
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Okrepčevalnica Na skednju, Vrtače 8, Plave, 5210 Deskle
T: 00386 40 496 201
Planinsko zavetišče na Koradi, Zarščina 7, 5213 Kanal
T: 00386 41 352 584
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Okrepčevalnica Dolga Njiva
T: 00386 31 288 121
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Ošterija Žogica, Soška cesta 52, 5250 Solkan
T: 00386 5 300 5240
Culinary festivals in Soca valley
There are many food festivals dedicated to local specialities in Soca valley.
Čomparska noč/Potatoe festival (Bovec) – August
Trout Festival (Tolmin) – September
Praznik Frike (Tolmin) – September
Chilli festival (Kanal) – September
Jestival/Art&Culinary Festival (Kobarid) – first Saturday in October
Praznik kostanja/Chestnut festival (Lig) – October
And brand new culinary festival was recently established. It is called Štokalofest taking place in Deskle in November. Štokolo is a purée of boiled potatoes and turnip/radicchio/cabbage leaves/string beans. The word štokati means to mash. Nutrition rich simple dish was prepared by my mum very often when I was a child. And I am still making it at home.
Do you need a local food guide in Soca valley? Let me know and I will try to make your culinary journey in Soca valley unforgettable! Feel free to write me an email to
Last but not least, planning to visit Soca valley for your holidays? It would be great to host you at Herbal Rooms Homestay. In case our accommodation is booked, please check other accommodation options in Bovec, Tolmin, Kobarid.